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Privacy statement Healthcare performance model (ggz)

The undersigned, client and healthcare provider,

to declare:

  1. That a treatment relationship has been entered into between them in the context of mental health care, for which the healthcare provider wishes to charge a rate in accordance with the Healthcare Market Regulation Act.

    Mention in declaration
  2. That the client, from the point of view of protecting his privacy, objects to data that can be traced back to a diagnosis and/or care demand characterization made by the healthcare provider with regard to the client being included in the declaration.
  3. That the healthcare provider, in accordance with Article 4.3 of the Mental Healthcare and Forensic Care Regulations, will omit the information stated under 2.

    Delivery to NZa
  4. That the client, from the point of view of protecting his privacy, objects to data that can be traced back to a diagnosis and/or care demand characterization made by the healthcare provider with regard to the client, being supplied to the NZa.
  5. That the healthcare provider, in accordance with Article 4.3 of the Mental Healthcare and Forensic Care Regulations, will refrain from supplying the data referred to under 4 to the NZa.

This statement applies if the client has signed the Registration Agreement and has entered YES under “Agree to Privacy Statement”; or by signing below:

PLACE………………………………. DATE: …………………………………………

Client name: …………………………………………. Date of birth: ………………………………

Client’s signature: Practitioner’s initials: ………………