About me
What moves me
I was born in former Yugoslavia and came to the Netherlands after the war. My personal life story has helped me develop into someone who has an eye for others. I like to share my acquired knowledge and experience. I have learned that there is resilience in every person and I see it as a personal challenge to address and mobilize this resilience. I am touched again and again when this succeeds and someone is better able to live the life that often seemed impossible for a long time. That’s why I love my job.

My study
After completing my master degree at the University of Amsterdam (direction clinical psychology), I have completed two more years of professional training and gained the title General health psychologist (GZ psycholoog). GZ psychologist is a protected title in the Netherlands. A GZ psychologist who meets the statutory training requirements can register in the BIG-register. With a BIG-registration, they are allowed to use their professional title and are subject to disciplinary law. BIG is an abbreviation of the ‘Wet Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg’ (Professions in Individual Health care Act). The purpose of the BIG Act is to promote and monitor the quality of health care. A GZ psychologist can work in all sectors of health care.
My experience
After my studies, I worked at Stichting Centrum ’45 and gained experience in treating trauma in people from different cultures. I then worked for 12 years in specialist rehabilitation and reintegration, in a multidisciplinary team. Here I gained experience with stress and other work-related problems. Treatment was not only individual but also in groups, because group interaction can accelerate some learning processes. I have also treated people with (unexplained) physical complaints; These complaints are often accompanied by fear, sadness and unrecognized trauma symptoms.
Clients about me
On the independent website “Zorgkaart Nederland” clients have reviewed me. The following review has been stated in English (score 10 on a scale 1 to 10):
I am quite satisfied with the therapy received from Psycholoogvoormij. As a non-Dutch speaker, I was able to hold the sessions in English. I went in with several symptoms of anxiety, stress, and a high level of self-criticism. After 8 months of treatment, I came out with a better understanding of myself, my thought processes, and how to deal with those symptoms going forward. Therapy/work with yourself continues even after such treatment, and I feel better prepared to do so going forward. Additionally, the psychologist often explained psychological terms and processes thoroughly which made the sessions feel very transparent. I would recommend it to anyone who recognizes these same feelings in themselves.
More reviews in Dutch can be found by pressing the following button.